WordCruncher Monthly

Feature Idea: Data Gathered Faster

We’ve received requests to make WordCruncher data (like search results and collocates) more accessible, so we created an option to export WordCruncher reports to a CSV file. While this makes exporting tables with thousands or millions of rows easier than copying data to the clipboard, it still doesn’t automate data collection. What if you wanted to get a table of the neighborhoods for every word in a book? That would require plenty of manual labor to export! What if there was an easier way?

A few months ago, we added a small new feature into WordCruncher: share hyperlinks online that will directly open a product in the WordCruncher Bookstore, similar to the way we can share Zoom meeting links. For example, you can open the TED Talk Corpus directly from this hyperlink (assuming you’ve installed the latest build of WordCruncher).

This hyperlink feature has led us to some interesting possibilities.

What if you could get data much faster?

If we used a simple interface on WordCruncher's website, it might look something like this:


Through this interface, you could either save the files directly to your computer or send a download to the webpage, which would allow you to get WordCruncher data much faster. For programmers, we would also provide documentation on how to access the API in order to automate the process, rather than to use the proposed interface above.

Love or hate this idea? Let us know what you think by emailing us at wordcruncher@byu.edu or post a comment on Twitter or Facebook.

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