WordCruncher Monthly

July Book Releases

Four New Books

This month, we are releasing four new books in two different collections. Read about the Relief Society Magazine and the John Bunyan and Nathaniel Hawthorne Collection below!

Relief Society Magazine

The Relief Society Magazine is a periodical written from 1914 to 1970. It contains 57 volumes and was predominantly written and edited by women from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This magazine was started right after the Woman’s Exponent (to be released next month). This resource is available on archive.org, but little effort has been made to make it into a searchable text archive. We’re happy to add this as the second installment to the Early LDS Periodicals by Women.

Download The Relief Society Magazine

The John Bunyan and Nathaniel Hawthorne Collection

Last month, we received a request to add three books into WordCruncher, so we will be adding them into our bookstore this month! The three books included in this collection are The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, The Holy War by John Bunyan, and The Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne. What makes this collection even better is that our requester has also compiled a concordance of insights about The Pilgrim’s Progress.

The John Bunyan and Nathaniel Hawthorne Collection is available now!

Download The Pilgrim's Progress Collection

See Other Articles from July 2021