If you have WordCruncher Version 103+, you should see a pop-up window with a button that says Open Link. This button will open the bookstore within WordCruncher so you can download .
If you don't see a pop-up window,
- Install WordCruncher or update to Version 103+. WordCruncher is a free app developed at Brigham Young University. It is currently available for Windows and iOS devices.
- Then, click on the Download The Scriptures button to open the bookstore within WordCruncher.
Tools for
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Word, Adobe, and Kindle aren't designed for fast or useful search results. We keep track of every word for speedy searches.
See Search Tools
Searchable notes, highlighting, and more. Everything you'll need to study your texts properly.
See Study Tools
Analyze your text from the character level to the phrase level that will turn your questions into new insights.
See Analysis Tools